
Monday, September 15, 2014

Technology We Use

5th Grade
5th Grade students have access to Ms. Schuster's YouTube account to practice Recorder Karate Belts (no login needed) and to an excellent note trainer on Check out the 5th Grade tab at the top of this page to explore available resources.

6th Grade
Sixth grade students have access to a new site our school subscribes to, called MusicProfessor. MusicProfessor is an online video library that acts as an electronic private lesson teacher for our students. Students have their own logins to the site and can access it at home! Sixth grade students will soon have access to SmartMusic too (see 7th/8th section for details)! Check out the Tools & Resources tab at the top to explore available resources.

7th/8th Grades
Seventh and eighth grade band students have access to SmartMusic, which is an incredible piece of software available for music students. It teaches students how to practice intelligently and gives them precious feedback on their playing. Home subscriptions can be purchased through the SmartMusic website for $40/year. Students are creating their own logins to use with our "practice room subscriptions" during school hours so we can assess easily and efficiently. Check out the Tools & Resources tab at the top to explore available resources.

7th and 8th band students also have access to a new site our school subscribes to, called MusicProfessor. MusicProfessor is an online video library that acts as an electronic private lesson teacher for our students. Students have their own logins to the site and can access it at home!

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