
Sunday, September 7, 2014


A warm welcome goes out to all parents and students who are new/returning music and band students. Ms. Schuster enjoyed getting to meet many parents at Intrepid's Open Houses last week. As fifth graders begin their musical journey at Intrepid with recorder and sixth graders continue their musical journey as beginning band students, 7th and 8th grade students return to band to hone their skills and focus on improvement and success. Thank you for your continued support of your child and the KIPP Intrepid Music Department.

If you are in the process of locating/purchasing a musical instrument for your child, please feel free to reach out to Ms. Schuster via e-mail ( or phone (832) 840-6453 for assistance. Remember there are many high quality used instruments for sale in Houston and in the US. There is an instrument somewhere that fits your family's budget. Please talk to Ms. Schuster ASAP if you need assistance. The sooner we can get instruments in sixth graders' hands, the sooner we can prepare for our December concert!

Thanks again. Take care!

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